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Superintendent's Update - November 15, 2021
Good Morning Washington Local Families,

That first snow is always so pretty! I guess there is no denying that winter weather is upon us. Winter weather also means a lot more indoor activities. On Friday, we announced that we are back to universal masking after a short trial without masks. It was clear in this short time that masks do a good job preventing outbreaks at school. As before, if your child is exposed at school to a positive case, they may remain in school as long as they do not have symptoms. Wearing masks will also keep our community healthier as we head into the holidays.

This week, we have changed our COVID reporting to reflect the number of quarantined students from a “home” exposure versus a “school” exposure. This statistic points out how rapidly our numbers changed when we unmasked as compared to previous weeks. This report is posted every Monday by noon and reflects the previous week’s cases.  We want everyone to be able to spend time with loved ones over the Thanksgiving Break. Our goal is to have a fully in-person school year! Let's stay healthy.

Congratulations to our football team on an amazing season! They made us proud both on and off the field! So much goes into Friday Night Lights beyond just football. Our student section won the BCSN Student Section of the Year! The competition among schools is very tough, but beyond the school spirit, BCSN recognized the character our student section showed week in and week out. Our band is second to none and our cheerleaders kept the crowd cheering and on their feet even in driving wind, rain, and sleet. What a season! Congratulations to all fall sports teams and the exemplary way you represented Panther Nation!

This Friday, we will proudly recognize 32 works of art accepted into the FOCUS show. You can see our students' amazing talent on display at the University of Toledo Fine Arts Center through December 10. Congratulations to all!

Every Student Matters; Every Moment Counts!

Kadee Anstadt, Ed.D.
Washington Local Schools
3505 W. Lincolnshire Blvd.
Toledo, OH 43606