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Superintendent's Update - December 13, 2021
Good Morning Washington Local,

After today, there are just six more wake-ups before winter break. We are excited to be heading into winter break with in-person instruction...a welcome change from last year.

A video announcement is attached to this message describing enhanced security procedures at events scheduled at the Whitmer Field House. This will go into effect immediately. We want all our Panther fans to enjoy the games and matches without any concerns.

At the Board of Education meeting this Wednesday, the Board will vote on delaying the return for students after break by one day until Wednesday, January 5, 2022. Monday, January 3 is a workday for teachers. Tuesday, January 4, each building and employee group will meet throughout the day for Wellness, Safety and Belonging planning.

We are all looking forward to spirited holiday fun this week! Enjoy the magic of the holiday season.

Every Student Matters; Every Moment Counts!

Kadee Anstadt, Ed.D.
Washington Local Schools
3505 W. Lincolnshire Blvd.
Toledo, OH 43606