
Local Schools

Every Student Matters;

Every Moment Counts.

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Washington Local Schools News Article

Superintendent's Update - September 7, 2021

Good Morning Washington Local,

Although it's a short week, it's a busy week. Check out our website for game times and locations... the Whitmer campus never sleeps.

Updated COVID numbers will be posted on our website by noon today due to the holiday. We have posted some additional information, as well, about determining the differences between allergies and COVID symptoms.

This is a letter from local pediatricians and doctors reminding us all to continue to be diligent in our efforts to keep our kids safe. Many of the doctors you know and trust have signed this letter to our community.

Have a great week and Stay Well!

Every Student Matters; Every Moment Counts!

Kadee Anstadt, Ed.D.
Washington Local Schools
3505 W. Lincolnshire Blvd.
Toledo, OH 43606

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