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Voice Recognition

Grade 6

The State Board of Education adopted Ohio’s Learning Standards in June 2010 as a guide to teaching and learning in the classroom.  Written by teachers, researchers, and leading experts from across the country, the standards define what students need to learn by the time they graduate in order to be successful in college or a career.

Ohio’s Learning Standards for English Language Arts and Mathematics are currently being revised; check this page for updates for the new standards late this fall.

For more information about Ohio’s Learning Standards, click on the link below.

Model Curriculum
Ohio teachers worked in teams in 2010 to suggest instructional strategies and resources that align with the Ohio's Learning Standards in English Language Arts. The State Board of Education adopted the results of their work in March 2011.

A Curriculum Model recommends topics for study that reflect and are aligned with the adopted academic content and performance standards.

I Can Statements
“I Can” statements are simple sentences designed by teachers off of the learning objectives from the curriculum.   “I Can” statements break down lofty objectives into learning targets students can read and understand.  “I Can” statements are written in student-friendly language. They cover specific learning for each lesson, and there can be more than one “I Can” statement for each common core standard.

When “I Can” statements are used consistently and accurately, they can help students become more responsible for their learning and more reflective of their own work.

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